Saturday 26 October 2013


Definition of Technology: Technology can be defined as the method or process of using scientific  knowledge to solve physical problems in a simplified and fast manner through the use of machines..

Technology and Economic Development
Technology results in economic development. However, in Nigeria, our indigenous technology is still developing. Technology can improve a country from mainly extraction from nature to helping us provide raw materials, and manufacturing products from these raw materials to improve our living conditions.
 As such, any nation that sells her raw material is under- developed while a nation that processes its raw materials into finished products is regarded as highly developed.

Technology leads to economic development when a country converts its raw material into manufactured finished products which are exported to international market for foreign exchange. This exchange coupled with good governance results in economic development.

                                                Who Should Study Technology?
To answer the question raised above, one will think that technology can only be studied by men  or boys. But they are wrong. The truth is that everybody (boys, girls, men and women) can study technology.

                                                    Reasons for Studying Technology.

1. Empowerment: The knowledge of technology can empower one to use tools, machines and the computer effectively.
 2. Self Reliance:  Knowledge derived from technological subjects can equip us to be able to maintain and repair appliances on our own
3. Safety: Technology teaches us how to be safety conscious in all areas of life, thereby reducing the risk of accident.
4. Comfort and Pleasure:  The knowledge acquired from technology can make it possible for us to operate some equipment, machines and appliances that make work easy, faster and safer, thereby giving us comfort and pleasure while working.
5. Dream Realization:  Through technology, most students are able to realize their rewarding careers and other fields of interests.


(a).How would you define technology?
(b).Explain in your own words, how technology has improved our lives in the following areas:
(i). sports  (ii).transportation  (iii).fishing  (iv).farming  (v).music.
Using a table, describe the method applied in the following activities as developed or under developed technology.
Activities                           Under developed Tech.       Developed Tech.

(iv). Farming
(v). Education.